Osorra:   An Encylopedia
1 Osorra
1.1 Etymology
1.2 History
1.2.1 Prehistory
1.2.2 Oin Empire
1.2.3 Disillusion of the Oin
1.2.4 Period of Teruko Vassalage
1.2.5 Pachakutic
1.2.6 Chi’aw Period
1.2.7 Tuta
1.2.8 Ossoi Empire
1.2.9 Romance of the Ossoi Princes
1.2.10 Bacti League
1.2.11 Yarovan Expeditions
1.2.12 Wars of Osorrai Reunification
1.2.13 Period of Vojiskiy Vassalage
1.2.14 Vojiskiy War
1.2.15 People’s State of Osorra
1.2.16 Osorra-Tilenno War
1.2.17 Collapse of the People’s State
1.2.18 Modern Osorra
1.3 Geography
1.3.1 Climate
1.3.2 Environment
1.4 Politics and Government
1.4.1 Tsar
1.4.2 Military
1.5 Economy
1.5.1 Income Distribution
1.5.2 Mining
1.5.3 Energy
1.5.4 Industry
1.5.5 Agriculture
1.5.6 Infrastructure
1.5.7 Business Environment
1.5.8 Healthcare
1.5.9 Organized Crime
1.5.10 Sex Work
1.6 Demographics
1.6.1 Ethnic groups
1.6.2 Education
1.7 Culture
1.7.1 Music and Dance
1.7.2 Cuisine
2 Leaders of Osorra
2.1 Klava Novikova
2.2 Misha Mikhaylov
2.3 Gervasii Orlov
3 Companies of Osorra
3.1 Sosya
3.2 Osorra International Trade Market
3.3 Os  Bank
3.4 Osorra Soya
3.5 Osorra Standard
4 Historical Figures of Osorra
4.1 Oleg Kozlov
5 Stories
5.1 Flashing Lights
5.2 A Solar Palace

Osorra: An Encylopedia

Aditya Kasture <akasture01@outlook.com>

Osorra is a worldbuilding project set in the fictional world of Anterra. The project is a fusion of Russian, Inca, American, and Korean influences. Tech level is MT (Modern Tech).

You can either view the lore here, on the Anterra Encyclopedia, or buy the physical book on Amazon. You can send any feedback to my email.


    1 Osorra

      1.1 Etymology

      1.2 History

        1.2.1 Prehistory

        1.2.2 Oin Empire

        1.2.3 Disillusion of the Oin

        1.2.4 Period of Teruko Vassalage

        1.2.5 Pachakutic

        1.2.6 Chi’aw Period

        1.2.7 Tuta

        1.2.8 Ossoi Empire

        1.2.9 Romance of the Ossoi Princes

        1.2.10 Bacti League

        1.2.11 Yarovan Expeditions

        1.2.12 Wars of Osorrai Reunification

        1.2.13 Period of Vojiskiy Vassalage

        1.2.14 Vojiskiy War

        1.2.15 People’s State of Osorra

        1.2.16 Osorra-Tilenno War

        1.2.17 Collapse of the People’s State

        1.2.18 Modern Osorra

      1.3 Geography

        1.3.1 Climate

        1.3.2 Environment

      1.4 Politics and Government

        1.4.1 Tsar

        1.4.2 Military

      1.5 Economy

        1.5.1 Income Distribution

        1.5.2 Mining

        1.5.3 Energy

        1.5.4 Industry

        1.5.5 Agriculture

        1.5.6 Infrastructure

        1.5.7 Business Environment

        1.5.8 Healthcare

        1.5.9 Organized Crime

        1.5.10 Sex Work

      1.6 Demographics

        1.6.1 Ethnic groups

        1.6.2 Education

      1.7 Culture

        1.7.1 Music and Dance

        1.7.2 Cuisine

    2 Leaders of Osorra

      2.1 Klava Novikova

      2.2 Misha Mikhaylov

      2.3 Gervasii Orlov

    3 Companies of Osorra

      3.1 Sosya

      3.2 Osorra International Trade Market

      3.3 OsBank

      3.4 Osorra Soya

      3.5 Osorra Standard

    4 Historical Figures of Osorra

      4.1 Oleg Kozlov

    5 Stories

      5.1 Flashing Lights

      5.2 A Solar Palace

1 Osorra

Osorra, offically the Empire of Osorra, is a sovereign state located in Perela, south of Tilenno. Osorra is an oligarchy where power is concentrated in a small elite. The countries legislative institutions are limited to property owners while the majority of the population is regulated by a vast security apparatus. Osorra has a population of 131 million people. Its largest cities include Zalivkov, Cuzka, and Kakhab.

Osorrai spirituality is extremely cryptic and eccentric. The country’s primary faith - Tanets Solntsa - believes in a primary solar deity and lesser Gods, his will on Earth brought by a great "Qoya". Within it there are a wide variety of strange and heretical teachings and rituals. The so-called "Church of the Sun" posses a great deal of influence in the country as over 60% of the population are believers. Osorrai civilization has always been quite despotic in nature through its beliefs in sacrifice and apocalypse, a megamachine.

The first Osorrai city-states are believed to have arisen around the 10th century BCE. By the 5th century, they had united under the Oin Confederation. This Confederation created many written works, the basis for Osorra’s religious system, and spread the first mythologies. Unfortunately, the Oin was displaced soon afterwards, the causes still unknown. In this power vacuum, the northern city-states would join with Teruko who would established an elaborate system of alliances and vassals until their collapse in 1200 BCE. After the collapse of Teruko Osorra would temporality reunite under the strong-maned Pachakutic, only for him to die and his children to fight over his holdings. These sons would fight each other in the Chi’aw Period and left Osorra divided for thousands of years under the Tuta. There were several attempts to unite Osorra during this period, the most notable of which was under Pachakutic II, but these dark ages would last until the formation of the Ossoi Empire by the foreign conquerer Axateqem.

Axateqem’s dynasty was always quite unstable, with him having to balance many native kings with each other. Eventually, the Ossoi Empire collapsed by the 17th century. War and turmoil ensued until the Bacti League formed and united the country - purportedly to protect it from outsiders. Osorra would close its borders and ports from the outside world for the next few centuries. Various traders were only allowed into Osorra from a few key trade cities, until the Yarovars were able to strike a deal to construct a fort in the lands of the Arnica House. The Yarovars progressively gained more influence in this kingdom turning it into a client state. Now guaranteed Yarovar support, he launched the brutal The Wars of Osorrai Unification taking over the country. With his victory, the modern Osorrai state was created. The Yarovphillic Qoya would begin a program of Yarovification in an attempt to create unity among culturally distinct groups. Settlers came en masse from Yarova, Kesh, and Southern Avalonia totally reshaping Osorrai society.

Industrialization and urbanization saw a newfound intellectual and business class grow in Osorra. Extremely wealthy and powerful, yet unhappy with both Yarovar and native authorities they called for radical political overhauls, threatening the Viceroy’s (or Qoya’s) hold on power. Finally when Yarova eventually fell to civil war, Mensheviks would take over during the October 13th Event with the assistance of the army - establishing a new Democratic Republic of Osorra. They implemented a vaguely left-leaning program of Sotsial’nyy Pod’yem - building railways, cleaning cities, and improving infrastructure. This was not to last, by the 40s Osorra fell into an economic depression that allowed Volkovists to take power. The Volkovists were dominated by futurists, who rejected the reformist approach of the Mensheviks and wanted to rebuild the country anew. With the Volkovists in power, the early 50s saw a National Reconstruction take place where the country was greatly strengthened. Osorra’s rising power and bombastic international stance led to the Frigid Chessboard. However, Osorra eventually lost this cold conflict when it went hot in the Osorra-Tilenno War. Osorra lost and was forced to enact many reforms, open up the economy, painfully restructure many industries, and allow for Democratic elections. These reforms were controversial and led to a coup in 1989.

The coup saw the banning of the Communist Party and all factions in the government along with the removal of Socialism from the Constitution. Vast civil unrest occurred until the rise of Misha Mikhaylov. His ascendence led to a stabilization of the economic situation along with the army being rebuilt. Still, another coup in 2014 led to the young Tsar being exiled and the triumvirate to take charge. Secret societies like the Balakirev Triad were believed to play a large role in this coup.

Today Osorra is a higher middle-income country, with a developing economy. The Osorrai economy is based on heavy industries, construction, mining, services, and agriculture. Its primary exports include semiconductors, electronics, ships, metals, industrial machinery, and consumer goods. Osorra is one of the largest producers of gold, copper, and lithium in all of Anterra. It has numerous diplomatic ties all over Anterra, making Osorra a bridge the three worlds: Eastern Kesh, Eastern Artemia, and Northern Avalonia. Osorra pursues a multivector policy of balancing multiple powers. Unique cultures, repressive governance, and a long history continue to fascinate outside observers looking into the country.

1.1 Etymology

Osorra is thought to have originated from the native word for mother, "Oso", and the term "Ori" which loosely translates to country. Words such as "Ossoi" would be used for other Osorrai polities. When the Arnica House took the country it would officially name it "Osorra", translating to the mother country.

1.2 History

1.2.1 Prehistory

The first traces of human habitation within Osorra have been dated back to 12,000 BCE, belived to come north from Tilenno. These tribes were primarily hunter gatherers, seeking game and various fruits in the vast rainforests of Osorra. There was a sharp cultural boundary created between the rainforest tribes, and those of the plains. It is unknown when agriculture first developed within Osorra, however various pottery has been found dating 8,000 BCE. It is believed various city states developed, cultivating small crops and fish. Osorrai civilization however would remain underdeveloped until crops such as corn or potatoes could be sucessfully cultivated.

1.2.2 Oin Empire

The Oin exists partly in mythology, and party in fact. Many believe it to be not a centralized empire in any sense, but a "loose league" of many city states. The Oin was believed to be formed out of increasing warfare between cities, as well as their growing trade links. The first "Sapa" of the Oin is heavily mythologized. According to oral stories, he came out of Mount Sapa, with many eagles congregating around him. He claimed to be "of the essence of the Earth, Sun, and Skies", and would show the mostly disorganized people of the Earth the path towards communion with himself. The King of the territory around Mount Sapa would go to investigate, only to become dazzled by his mere presence. The King fell into delirium, and the Sapa became his teacher. He would soon invite many kings to learn from the Sapa. The Sapa taught the men about the reality of existance - all existance was merely energies flowing out of him, the first cause. These energies would eventually expand out into infinity and become nothingness unless they seek out the ways of the Viracocha through the following light and wisdom of the sun. Those who embrace the essence of the Viracocha according to the Sapa, forstall the Great Nothingness, and move closer towards reversing creation to become one with the Viracocha. The Sapa would then keep the kings in his monastery, hoping to create a bond between them, and educate the others about the truth of existance. The Kings left their kingdoms, spending years spreading the Sapa’s creed. They were attacked by several "Mistaken" kings, who formed a league against them. Through the Sapa’s wisdom they won many pyrric victories, however just because they had won, didn’t stop the battle. The Sapa insisted that the rival kings must learn the Truth with all their hearts, and eventually sacrifice themselves to the Sun. After that task was done, the Sapa would sacrifice himself too, asking his sons to carry out his message.

The Oin was believed to be one of the most advanced Bronze Age civilizations in Anterra with sosphistated infrastucture, a well educated population, and some of the highest populations during that period. The various nomadic boating cilivzations around Osorra would borrow Osorrai culture and in many cases pay tribute to the Qhapad. The Oin made privoal discoveries in math and the sciences, and were known for their extremely advanced surgical procedures.

The political economy was structured as a palace economy, where peasants would give a portion of their crop every year in exchange for protection and various goods from the estates. These estates were kings who pledged tribute to the Qhapaq, and once a year would send a few virgins as Aclla. The King’s were usually elected by community elders, who could remove said Kings. During times of war or mass public works the Qhapaq could request men from the estates to participate in mit’a.

The Oin built grand schools of learning in Osorra, and constructed many libraries. They would be manned by the acalla, women who had give themselves to chastity or men who had given themselves to chastity and agreed to live as women. The Oin would built many vast temples surrounded by a moat in the center of their cities, which were places of worship for the Inti. These temples served as places of worship, public baths, and the official residences for the acalla.

The Oin began the cultivation of crops such as corn and potato, which would be stored for times of great calamities. As far as we can tell their diet was primarily based on cornbread and various beans soups and stews. Meat was seen as taboo to the Oin as llamas were treated with religious devotion. The only meat they would consume were imported turkeys during holidays.

What we know about Oin art is quite limited since many of their drawings have succumbed to nature. However we still know about the plays of the Oin, many of which were tragedies. The plays focused on the mercy of god, the inevitability of decay, and the cost of sin. Their tragedies would influence many novels in Yarova and remain classics across the world.

Initally the Oin was quite stable, being ruled by the Five Good Qhapaqs, who were known for their good judgement and intelligence. They would work together with the local kings and commision many great public works. However the Quenti Qhapag who came afterwards was weak willed and heavily influenced by the acalla in the court. They would marry him off to the mischievious Cuxi who led his mind astray. The Quenti Qhapag would demand subordinates who failed to heed his word sacrifice themselves and burned many quipus which he disagreed with. He was removed with a peasant uprising and replaced with the General Atoc Qhapag. Atoc would have to repair much of the damage done by Quenti and attempted to remove Cuxi. Cuxi fled to the deserts far north never to be seen again. Atoc began the period known as the Reign of the Military Chiefs. During this period the Oin was centralized with many local kings gradually losing power. It developed a large army and began conquests deep into barbarian lands.

Atoc and his sons would massively expand the Oin Empire and spread its customs far and wide. He would also construct many roads and create a network for scholars to send quipus and communicate with each other. Archeologists have found evidence of Oin civlization possessing advanced smelting methods. The Oin also created the first Osorrai political philosphy. Primarily concerned with ethics and the human soul, the Oin believed a man should focus on giving and building to the broader civilization focusing on the good. The Oin wrote many treatises on psychology and the nature of the mind many of which are sadly lost today. The Oin developed several competiting schools of thought.

Atoc gradually grew more opposed to the acalla, even as both expanded. The acalla critized the army’s treatment of the Oin’s new subjects and critized his illegitmacy as an emperor. The conflict between the acalla and the Atoc Dynasty wouldn’t grow serious until the reign of his 4th son. His 4th son was obsessed with military affairs and expanding the empire, despite it being overstreched. Several revolts would engulf the Oin and he Atoc IV would gradually grow extremely unpopular. An unknown eunuch who was in the acalla would assasinate him and placed the nation under a council of acalla. The triumvate as it was called would implement many needed reforms for the empire to expand with its growing size but always fought over the question of the next emperor. With no reliable bloodlines and the government vowing not to place any military figures an emperor would need to be found that was not in the existing high ranks of the state, as to avoid political instability. They finally decided on grooming a slave boy known as the Chiguan. Chiguan came to rule after the council and would deal with the empire’s logistcal programs. Chiguan stopped all further expansion and negoitated peace with the neighboring empires. He created acalla monestaries and various legal instutions in the new territories, as well as signing treaties with various tribes.

1.2.3 Disillusion of the Oin

The political instability that gripped the Oin following Chuigun’s death led to the Empire slowly dissolving. Kingdoms in the periphery broke away while closer to the core local chiefs and acalla began engaging in political games. Generals would raise their armies independent of the central state while lords would fail to pay taxes. Gradually the capacity of the Oin broke apart and it was unable to resist later Teruko invasions.

Sensing the instability of the Oin Teruko lords began to send raids. These raids heavily weakened the legimacy of the Oin in the eyes of the people while empowering petty Lords. According to historical records the Lord of what is now Okarina allied with these northern invaders and led a revolt. This rebellion while eventually defeated led to the severe weakening of the Oin. The Oin was forced to rely on disloyal military generals to mantain its integrity after the revolt. Ever more incurrsions and revolts would gradually weaken its grip until Teruko Lords entered the capital in 2000 BCE.

1.2.4 Period of Teruko Vassalage

With the capture of Cuzka by Teruko, the Oin was no more. It was divided among various Teruko warlords. Details for this period are limited, since the qiupu record almost completely fell apart. What we are aware of, however, is there was widespread plague and hunger at this time. Some demographers estimate over 1/3 of the Oin’s population perished.

These warlords ruled quite brutishly and brutally wontonly slaughtering innocent civilians. Many locals were enslaved or murdered. This period is seen as the start of the Tuta - or Dark Ages in Osorrai history.

1.2.5 Pachakutic

Rising out of the once great city of Cuzka, Pachakutic was an ambitious nobleman who sought to rebuild his once great city state. He built up the cities milita and conquered many surrounding cities around him. From this base he came to control important metal trade routes and acquire great wealth. He grew a massive army and eventually moved on northern coastal cities. After this, he moved towards the Southern rainforest.

Pachakutic was renowned for his extreme martial skill and strategic intelligence. Many of the corrupt lords fell before his sword. He sought to recreate the Oin Empire and would mobilize vast portions of the populations on vast megaprojects. He began the start of a grand wall with what is now Tilenno to keep "barbaric" elements out and would build many great roads. His grand tombs are still popular attractions today.

Pachakutic most contraversially pushed the heresy that the Sapa was the only god and other gods were merely images of the Sapa. He was similar in philosophy to legalist rulers of East Kesh and believed in harsh rules and heavy punishments. His regime featured many executions.

1.2.6 Chi’aw Period

With Pachakutic’s death it was unknown who would inherit his legacy. His polity was now the most powerful in Perala and could quickly unite the disperate kingdoms. His eldest son ruled well for 30 years before being assasinated by a member of the acalla. His younger sons based around different cities organized their own armies and fought for power.

There were 4 sons, one based around Cuzka, one around what is today Kakhab, what is today Zalivkov, and another based to the east of the Intoi Mountains. The fought for around 30 years, destroying much of their fathers legacy but building great armed military machines.

Finally acalla negoitated peace between the warring brothers close to their death, and a semifedual union was created. Their sons became "co-rulers" of a newly created Empire by 300 AD - but really the acalla controlled the nation behind the scene.

1.2.7 Tuta

This period was known as the "Tuta" not due to high levels of death or plague - far outpaced by previous periods of Osorrai history - but instead the level of backwardness and low levels of technological sophsitication. The acalla ruled during this time and enacted a heavy degree of spirtual austerity.

Osorra during this period saw its cities depopulated and the monastaries become the primary site of political power. Osorra was dominated by petty fedual lords who ran plantations and extracted tribute from their subjects. Cities increasingly began to be beset by animal attacks from the forest as the rainforest encroached on them.

This period was perhaps one of the longest in Osorrai history, lasting until 900AD.

1.2.8 Ossoi Empire

The Ossoi Empire was formed due to the lord of the coastal city of Zalivkov, Axateqem, growing extremely rich from trade with Kesh. He raised an army and expropriated the local acalla. He moved on the entire northern seaboard and the provinces of Okarina. Then he moved to capture Cuzka.

Axateqem was from an ethnic minority and believed in a variety of religious heresies. He attracted a great deal of hatred from the local acalla but him strong, and the acalla weak, they were quickly defeated. He forced many of the acalla monestaries to fall in line with his teachings. He would form the Ossoi Empire - the second great Osorrai Empire.

The Ossoi completed a series of border walls with what is now Tilenno. They engaged in a great deal of megaprojects early in their reign - building many grand pyramids and roads. In 973 AD the Ossoi Empire would conduct a the first census and compiled detailed statistics on the Osorrai population. Millions of peasants were recruited into grand labor armies to build cities for the king.

In 1000 Axateqem’s Son would commission the construction of the glorious palace of Cuzka. A moat was dug out of the ground and the palace was laid out on an axial plan. It was made up of 5 major pyarmids with various tunnels connecting them. These pyramids were the largest in the world at the time. This massive palace complex would house thousands of nobles. In the center chamber lay the king, as well as great underground tombs for Osorra’s kings.

The Ossoi Empire became a trade powerhouse and had a monopoly on many rare goods. It made many neighboring states its client states and interevened in the situtation within Tilenno. Its great power attracted digtaries far and wide.

The Ossoi would attract audiences from both East Kesh and the major Avalonian kingdoms at the time. They would write stories of its great wealth and splendor - its grand massive cities, massive pyramids, and diverse peoples. Rumors even spread to parts of the world that had no idea about Avalonia.

As the Empire grew it became extremely pacifist and inward seeking. The Kings of the Ossoi wanted to avoid the overextension that doomed the Oin. While extremely wealthy it only focused on industry. The acalla regained its powerful position from the 14th century onwards and began indulging in carnal luxury pleasures.

This growing corruption eventually lead to the decline of the empire and the loss of its once great wealth.

1.2.9 Romance of the Ossoi Princes

Around the 16th century a middling prince around the East known as Ouchin grew tired of this extreme and growing corruption. He allied with several generals and caused a revolt in a border province. At a stronger phase of the Empire, this might’ve been a small issue, the corruption faced by the army allowed him to gain a large degree of territory. He was eventually able to conquer all the Eastern plains to the Intoi.

Near Kakhab, a concubine seduced a powerful prince known as Qugir to raise his own army and stop the middling prince due to the weakness of the army. The main army grew confused and viewed this as a revolt - soon the entire nation was embroiled in war. The chief general Maita overthrew the king and installed himself as military dictator. Qugir’s position was perilous and he had to ally with the northern acalla around Okarina.

Ouchin tried to sue for peace but was only repulsed by Maita. He allied with the northern acalla and tried to march towards Cuzka. They led a siege but were soon repulsed by Maita. Qugir used this to attack Ouchin, and Ouchin was being attacked by two fronts. However due to his massive amounts of strategic depth he was able to lure both armies far into the country. Maita lost Zalivkov to the acalla and eventually Ouchin seized Cuzka. Qugir was now on the retreat, being attacked on both sides.

Thankfully for him Maita resurged, leading various scattred attacks from bases in the Intoi Mountains. Ouchin’s army was unable to cope with warfare in the mountains and stopped advancing. The weak acalla was unable to advance. Unfortunely, Maita recruited many irregulars, who soon assasinated him and took over.

Now, his army was being ruled by Punai the Barbarian. Punai kicked Ouchin from the Intoi but was unable to advance into his lands due to the distinct terrian. Ouchin and Qugir agreed to an alliance to stop the barbarian Lord. Over the next 10 years they engaged in a series of attacks to weaken his forces. These anaconda attacks led to his slow destruction.

However after defeating him, Ouchin and Qigur immeditately began fighting again. Many of Punai’s men created their own armies and created kingdoms in the choas. This period - from around 1590-1600 was the most violent period of the war with widespread looting and arson.

The acalla stepped in to have Ouchin and Qigur declare peace, they eventually united with each other and agreed to a meeting.

1.2.10 Bacti League

Ouchin and Qigur agreed to form the Bacti League, wherein Qugir and 2 members of his families would gain lordship over coastal provinces, Ouchin would control the East, and

1.2.11 Yarovan Expeditions
1.2.12 Wars of Osorrai Reunification
1.2.13 Period of Vojiskiy Vassalage
1.2.14 Vojiskiy War
1.2.15 People’s State of Osorra
1.2.16 Osorra-Tilenno War
1.2.17 Collapse of the People’s State
1.2.18 Modern Osorra

1.3 Geography

1.3.1 Climate
1.3.2 Environment

1.4 Politics and Government

The Empire of Osorra is a monarchy, ruled by a Tsar. However since the Tsar is not of age the country is under a triumvirate. However in de jure terms the Tsar delegates his powers to the Imperial Houses, various advisory bodies that advise the Tsar. Two houses exist, the Outer and Inner House. The Inner House is made up of the military, nobility, and various corporate figures. The Outer House is popularly elected by the people. The Outer Imperial House controls the power of the purse, while the Inner is the only one allowed to propose laws. Most laws are created by the Imperial Houses and approved by the Tsar. The structure of the Imperial Houses is unlike other countries since Osorra limits participation in legal political societies to the upper aristocracy known as the Pomeshchiks. Consequently, Osorri politics is made up of many small social societies instead of large political parties - who join into loose cliques. The Triumvirate currently takes on the role of approving the decisions of the Imperial Houses and overseeing their activities.

The non-landed classes exercise their power primarily through religious and charitable organizations - often controlled by wealthy oligarchs[a]. These organizations are united into the All-Osorra Trade Union, a powerful trade union with a large degree of influence. Osorra’s working classes have limited avenues of political organization, often reliant on the support of extremely powerful oligarchs to achieve concessions. Many scholars have theorized Osorra has a "high low vs middle" class setup[b].

Osorra’s judicial system is quite unique for having a great deal of military influence. In criminal courts most cases are administered by military tribunals, these have 3 soldiers from the community deciding on criminal matters. They utilize common law, effectively giving the military full jurisdiction to decide matters of Osorrai law. The military also runs many of Osorra’s prisons, where it is alleged they utilize forced labor. This role has come under particular scrutiny due to the recent War on Drugs. Osorra’s civil court system is quite complex and layered with both the federal state and oblasts having their own court system. Usually at the lower level a district magistrate operates while in higher courts the title of judge is received. Osorrai civil courts process most white collar crime incidents.

Osorra’s state ministries are under the direct control of the Tsar or as of now the triumvirate. The Tsar can select various state ministers in the Imperial Council, where officials such as the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Finance, etc are located in. His picks must be approved by the Imperial Houses before they take their positions. Many functions related to communication and transportation are managed by the military, who own many state companies and selects the board members of said companies. The military operates these functions relatively autonomously and has been unwilling to cede them to the civilian government. State companies operated by the civilian government are operated by the Council of State Asset Management.

Osorra is commonly thought to be neither authoritarian or democratic, but anocratic. The country allows dissidence and political opposition to manifest, however it limits those who can legitimately question state power. Without voice, other groups resort to collaboration with interest groups with a voice, or rejection of sovereign power. Since the end of the military dictatorship, Osorra has seen numerous insurgencies and armed groups attempting to overthrow the state, and is in a state of constant warfare in the periphery. This never-ending war is known as the Beskonechnaya Noch to many Osorrais and scholars. Osorra is politically unstable, not only externally opposed, but internally divided between neo-fascist Orlovists and neoliberal Mikhaylovists. The leaders of the two de-facto rule the country in a diarchic nature, at least until the next Tsar comes of age. Some scholars note that the dominance and repression of the armed forces is what keeps Osorra together. Also Klava, a mysterious figure, is seen as the mediator between the two major factions.

1.4.1 Tsar

The Tsar is the offical head of state of Osorra, and has limited temporal powers. The Tsar thought to be in Communion with the Father, and descending from the holy line of the Son in Tanets Solntsa, giving them absolute powers over religious affairs. The Tsar represents the "spirit" of Osorra and has absolute say over theology, aesthetics, epistemology, and the overall nature of forms. The Tsar can also create great works, and operates massive charity organizations to give to the poor. The Tsar is the leader of all Solntsas Churches and can appoint bishops or cardinals. Osorra is commonly thought of as an imperial cult.

Due to the Tsar’s spirtual position, all law is thought to derive from their great ancestor, Manco Cápac, in Osorrai religious tradition. His bloodline is thought to be sovereign over Osorrai law, however in a commisarial way - they must aim to maintain the constitution and the Osorrai state as such. During normal periods, power is to be given to various associations of nobles in the Imperial Houses, which actually carry out legal rulings. Also all in the state must respect the constitutions and the Holy Ghost, even the Tsar himself. However in event of a great cataclysm the Tsar is allowed to assume absolute powers and alter the constitution.

The "Tsar" of Osorra has operated under different names. First they were known as the Sapa, later the Qoya under Yarovan rule, and after the collapse of the military dictatorship the Tsar. While numerous families have claimed this position, it has very rarely actually been held by one claimant. Since the end of The Wars of Osorrai Unification however, the Ayara family has held it. While the Ayara dynasty was forced into exile during the military dictatorship, it was reinstalled during the 90s. The current Tsar is the young 13 year old, Izhi Ayara who is under the care of Ikanov Zakharovich.

1.4.2 Military

The Armed Forces of Osorra is the military of Osorra and is under the command of the Osorrai High Command. The Osorrai Command is made up of 5 generals, who are among the most powerful men in the country. The military makes decisions through consensus amount the 5 generals, although the Lieutenant General is allowed to make decisions if consensus cannot be reached. The military has 600k active troops and about 800k paramilitary in total, with 5 branches: The Osorrai Army, the Osorrai Air Forces, the Osorrai Navy, Okhrana, and the Paramilitary of National Self Defense. The largest division in the armed forces by far is the Paramilitary, with around 800k members in total. The paramilitary operates around various irregular regional forces, who are semi-regularly trained and can support professional forces if needed. They also exist to put down rebellions and control peripheral regions within the country. Paramilitary forces are enlisted in the military’s various megaprojects, and its existence is seen as somewhat of a "job program" to support poor Osorrai.

The second-largest force is the Osorrai Army with 350,000 troops. The army since the loss in the Osorra Tilenno War has significantly shifted its doctrine, moving away from structured formations, and towards flexible and mobile formations suited towards the unique geography of Avalonia. As such the army has focused on developing light mechanized infantry systems, using small APCs and even trucks that can transverse rough terrain. The army has also invested in various missile defense systems to attempt to "trap" an enemy force and reduce their morale. These reforms have made Osorra’s army an extremely flexible force, which in unison with airpower, serves as a powerful deterrent to any attacks. The army operates in a node system, where each company is expected to operate as a self-contained unit which can sustain itself if needed. The army in recent years has involved itself in conflict with many of the country’s drug cartels with the assistance of countries such as Brigantica.

Osorra has a large airforce, made up of hundreds of planes, primarily older models. The airforce has 100,000 personnel in total. The primary focus of the airforce is to harass enemy supply lines, shock and awe, and scouting of enemy forces. The navy has 150,000 personnel with around -.

The military’s most infamous department is the militarized police and intelligence force known as the Okhrana. The Okhrana was formed in 1990 in response to the massive September Riots with the merger of all militarized federal police departments and intelligence apparatus into one unified apparatus. The newly created Okhrana began fighting against many radical groups and forcing them into hiding. They would engage in a variety of repressive actions to protect the fragile Osorrai state including the shooting down of many protestors. The Okhrana also worked to rebuild Osorra’s former spy network, posting in numerous countries. However, with the start of foreign intervention in the Beskonechnaya Noch Osorra was forced to downsize the Okhrana and refocus it on the drug trade. With the advent of the internet, the Okhrana created a vast apparatus of internet surveillance and a limited system of censorship to remove "libelous content". The Okhrana has infiltrated many civilian organizations in Osorra and is seen as a critical bulwark in keeping the state stable.

1.5 Economy

Osorra has a higher middle-income economy with a GDP of around 2.8 trillion nominal. The basis for the economy was built through the mass modernization of the 30s and 40s, which saw Osorra create massive industries in areas such as defense or automobiles. The economy became based around defense with the growth of tensions that followed the Avalonian Cold War. The economy collapsed following shock therapy in the 90s. The economy began to recover around the 00s. The economy is based around the export of raw commodities, agriculture, services, and heavy industry - although smaller light industries exist within the cities. Most of the nation’s industries, mines, and farms are owned by a small class of oligarchs who launder much of the money outside the nation. As a result, Osorra is one of the most unequal nations in Anterra, with a GINI of .56. Osorra does have some vibrant and innovative sectors, however, such as the technology, telecommunications, and defense. Some regions of the country such as Kakhab Hi-Tech Zone have seen rapid GDP growth that far exceeds the rest of the country.

Osorra’s economy is dominated by family enterprises, the military and state owned companies. The military and various family enterprises are thought to exist in a "cross linked structure" where they cooperate and hold a stake in each other. Another facet of this structure is the military’s obfuscation of its holdings through the existence of numerous shell companies. Foreign scholars have noted this allows the military to control a large chunk of the economy, giving it a wide degree of influence. The military also posts cells in private firms, allowing it to learn about and control private companies. The military has promised that its political interference will not "overrule" shareholders nor the companies’ profitability, and in more recent years has acted more transparently about its activities to soothe shareholders. The Osorrai government holds a stake in many companies through the Osorrai Pension Fund, and National Diversification Fund which in recent years has allowed the state to wean of the mining as a source of state revenue. Osorra is still broadly seen as an economy under the control of the state, since the state holds a large chunk of Osorra’s total corporate holdings, however, without any centralized planning body, these assets are controlled for the benefit of private actors within the state, or connected to the state. The economy is primary under 4 families, the Novikovas, the Egorovs, the Aslanovs, and the Mikhaylovs.

Osorra’s oligarchs dominate the Osorrai private economy and their influence does not stop there, as they own stake in semi public firms. The oligarchs are a small group of businessmen with enormous sums of wealth, often numbering in the tens of billions. Most of them are primarily focused on the mining agriculture, or heavy industrial sector but the wealthiest oligarchs, such as Karp Egorov, have diversified portfolios in areas such as telecommunications and defense. Karp runs Karpacom, a massive cellular carrier in Northern Avalonia with over a two hundred million subscribers as of 2020. The oligarchs often come from former military, intelligence, or government backgrounds with many connections within the state. Some sources even list Osorra’s high ranking generals as oligarchs, since they are often known for using state-owned companies for their benefit. The oligarchs are extremely unpopular within the country, due to the extreme corruption they enable.

1.5.1 Income Distribution

Osorra is among the most unequal nations in Avalonia, both with extreme wealth and income inequality. The income GINI is over .5 and it is thought the wealth GINI is around .7 or .8. Suprisingly, Osorrai inequality is not simply the result of wealth concentration among oligarchs but also concentration among the urban middle classes. Numbering about 30-40 million they make up 1/3 of the Osorrai population but these top 33% of earners take over 70% of Osorrai incomes and control more than 90% of the nations wealth. The middle class has seen their fortunes rise with communist transition, employed in large Osorrai or foreign multinationals or the state sector. They earn developed or close to developed world wages. Meanwhile the bottom 66% has seen their fortunes rapidly decrease, often forced into destitute conditions. Much literature has called this class the "forgotten ones", neglected by the new Osorrai state and forced into insecure part time work. Osorra’s vast security state has gone to the regulation of these "forgotten ones" and many of them have involved themseves in the drug trade. Most state services are well funded for the Osorrai middle class while neglected for the rest.

The top Osorrai 1% does not collect much in incomes but instead makes their wealth from capital gains. The amount of wealth held by the Osorrai upper classes is yet unknown as much of their wealth is hidden abroad. Osorrai money has infilatrated both domestic and foreign cities, causing soaring property prices. In Ostboland critism has erupted over Osorrai oligarchs building and snapping many high end condos. Osorrai assets are held in complex crosslinked stakeholding networks which are hard for any government to track. The top Osorrai billionaires are thought to be far wealthier than their initial net worth suggests.

1.5.2 Mining

Osorra is one of the largest producers of precious metals in Anterra, having large reserves of copper, bauxite, silver, gold, jadeite, diamonds, tin, lithium, and iron. The country’s mining reserves are primary under the control of a public-private partnership known as Osorra Mining Corporation, which owns most of the nations reserves. Mining is an important source of revenue for the Osorrai state, especially due to widespread tax evasion. In 2019 it was estimated 3% of government revenue was derived from the mining industry. Since the 2000s Osorra has put at least 25% of its total mining revenues in the Osorrai Sovereign Wealth Fund to attempt to stabilize government revenues from commodity shocks.

Osorra’s mining industry primary operates around the mountains and in the Intoi Desert, displacing many native groups in the process. Concerns have emerged over the environmental impacts of the mining industry, however the Osorrai government has seldom agreed to comment. The growth in lithium demand in particular has brought massive environmental strain, with many communities reporting over 2/3 of their clean water has been tainted by the mining industry. The military has strong connections with the mining industry, and has often acted to clear entire villages to speed up mine construction. The industry is seen as one of the most corrupt in Osorra, but due to the nation’s reliance on mining, government action to contain its excesses has been limited.

1.5.3 Energy

Osorra’s energy sector is primarily controlled by the army, in particular, the army-owned company National Institute for Power Delivery. Osorra has some of the cheapest energy in the world, due to both the large presence of nuclear power, and subsidization by the military apparatus. However, power availability is uneven with many rural areas cut off from power. The largest consumer of power is the industrial sector.

Osorra’s energy grid is primarily dominated by hydropower (20%) and nuclear power (55%), with coal and natural gas making up the rest. Osorra has limited wind and solar, unable to compete with cheap nuclear energy. The country consumes X GW annually, with a per capita consumption of X. Osorra has been praised throughout the rest of Anterra for its embrace of clean and renewable energy, however concerns exist over the military’s handling of nuclear technology. From the 60s-70s Osorra had a nuclear weapons program which was only ended due to the Osorra-Tilenno War. Since then all of Osorra’s nuclear facilities are subject to inspections, must allow permanent inspector presence, and partial privatization.

In Osorra access to power is limited to some groups. 95% of the population has access to energy, many of them living in affluent cities. However, in many of the native reservations, access to electricity is limited. Osorra in recent has attempted to expand capacity as a result and aims for 100% energy coverage by 2030.

Osorra has to import a significant portion of its fuel, but with the advent of hydraulic fracking, the country has been able to be more energy self-sufficient. Osorra is a world leader in fracking technologies with significant government support for the technology. In recent years the country has even become a significant exporter of fracking equipment, chemicals, and expertise.

1.5.4 Industry

The first large scale industries were created in the 1880s by entrepreneurs from mainland Vojisky. These industries were primarily about weaving textiles and refining agricultural products from Osorrai plantations. The Imperial Steel Corporation would build a plant in Kakahb in 1890 - one of the largest in its era. When Vojisky rule ended in Osorra, inventors and technicians were able to form cooperatives to manage many of the former Vojisky plants. These cooperatives - renamed Organizations for Maximal Technical Production - would rapidly build up the nation’s industries from the 1920s-40s. Inspired by the utopian ideals of Tanets Solstana, they sought to make Osorra an industrial powerhouse. The Menshevik government gave them extremely cheap credit and debased its own currency, a major cause in the Osorrai Depression in the 40s. Later they would be bailed out by the new Volkovist government, on the precondition that the bailout would lead to their effective nationalization. The Volkovist government began rational state planning to distribute the products of Osorrai industry. They would reorient production towards armanents and capital goods in an attempt to catch up with the major powers of Anterra. Osorra would construct massive shipbuilding, aerospace, rolling stock, electronics, and automotive industres in the 60s and 70s. With the 80s however the peace deal forced Osorra to restructure these industries back towards consumer goods. The shipbuilding and aerospace industries began a slow decline. The electronics industry however grew by leaps and bounds, redirecting military production towards consumer computers that it sold to both foreign and domestic customers. With the collapse of communism the aerospace industry was gutted through new deregulatory reforms. Yazov Novikova worked to prevent the semiconductor sector from seeing a similar fate and helped protect them. The aerospace industry today is primarily focused on military applications.

Today Osorra has large heavy industries in the areas of metallurgy, telecommunications, semiconductors, electronics, nuclear, industrial machinery, petrochemicals, automobiles, shipbuilding, and rolling stock. Today industry makes up around 35% of the GDP of Osorra and industrial products like semiconductors are the country’s most important exports after metals. By net revenues the largest industry is the smelting industry, which turns raw ores into various alloys that are later exported on the international market. By sophistication and net margins the semiconductor sector is the largest, primary based in Kakhab.

1.5.5 Agriculture

The agricultural sector is a comparatively small part of the Osorrai economy at around 9.5% of GDP - or 280 billion dollars. Regardless it remains an industry the country is world famous for and one of the countries most important industries. Osorra’s primary crops are sweet potatoes, maize, turkey, beef, peppers, rice, soybeans, tomatoes, and tobacco. The country is mostly made up of arable land or has developed extensive irrigation infrastructure in areas with limited water supplies. The country has one of the most industrialized food systems in Anterra and its food science industry is bleeding edge.

Osorra’s largest food companies include Osorra Standard, Osorra Soy, General Institute for Genetic Research, General Enterprise for Pepper Trading. These companies are primary involved in trade of agricultural commodities, processing of food, and financing for farmers but do not directly grow crops themselves. Farmers in Osorra are seen as a small yet privileged class with extensive wealth. Most farming families are dynastic and hold massive plots usually acquired by their forefathers by Yarovar land grants. They employ a large class of mostly native migrant laborers who have little rights and are forced to move around and look for work. Farm laborers in Osorra are underpaid and usually rely on services from the military to survive.

The Osorrai agriculture industry has been fraught with controversy and conspiracy. The industry is massively centralized and imbalanced, making use of local government corruption and oversight to pollute environments and drain local water supplies. Okarina has been in a drought for over a decade due to the abuses of the agriculture and mining industries. The country makes heavy use of GMOs and processed food which many doctors believe cause health problems. The industry in the country has attempted to control health research and shut down criticism of their products. Osorra Standard and General Institute for Genetic Research have both been involved in numerous lawsuits to the tune of billions of dollars.

Osorra is one of Anterra’s largest exporters of peppers. The country’s peppers are famous for their unique flavor and high spice levels. Osorra is a major exporter of food in Anterra due to its extremely fertile soil and advanced food science techniques to increase yields. The country’s agriculture remains one of the most productive in Avalonia despite its small size. Osorra has also built a great deal of irrigation infrastructure to turn previously dry parts of the nation into hyperproductive breadbaskets.

1.5.6 Infrastructure

Osorra has some of the most well developed infrastructure in the region. Infrastructure development has always been a significant priority of subsequent Osorrai administrations going back to the 1910s. The highway network and rail network are both fully state owned and operated by the Armed Forces. The rail lines were consolidated into Osorra National Rails after a series of railway bubbles in the 1930s. Today Osorra has a vast rail network with several high-speed rail lines in the Cuzka-Kakhab-Zalivkov triangle. The passenger rail system transports 121 million people annually. The freight rail system is similarly well developed and transports a huge volume of industrial cargo.

The Osorrai highway network has significantly expanded since the fall of Communism due to increasing government investment into the system. Many new highways have sprung up and the administration of the highways has been simplified into the Osorra Highway Administration Bureau. Local oblasts build their own highway system to varying degrees of development. The highway system is primarily funded by state-backed real estate speculation around new highway exits - where state backed real estate companies purchase the land and build properties or sell. To combat congestion Osorrai cities have created well-developed public transport networks through busses, trams and subways. 5 Osorrai cities currently have a metro system with 10 cities predicted to have lines by 2030.

Osorra has a well-developed aviation industry. Around 15 cities have international airports - the busiest being Kakhab New International Airport at around 20 million passengers annually. Osorra used to manufacture planes but today buys planes from Nanwen. The largest airline is state owned - Intoi Airlines - with several smaller private players dominating the rest of the market. The growth of the aviation industry has greatly slowed following the creation of the Osorrai high speed rail system but it remains growing at a steady clip of around 4% due to demand for travels into East Kesh.

Finally Osorra’s ports are very well-developed due mostly to the nation’s expansive manufacturing industry. Osorra’s ports are able to accommodate growing mega-ships and enjoy generous funds for upgrades. The nation’s ports are known for being some of the first in Avalonia to integrate leading edge technologies in containerization. Having effective ports is a significant priority for the government as it looks to retain its manufacturing edge.

Telecommunications is the only piece of infrastructure in Osorra under private ownership. The nation’s telecom infrastructure is primarily owned by Karpacom and a joint venture between the Armed Forces, Kodeshia Telecom and the Mikhaylovs - OsTel. The two company’s operate a duopoly. Still, Osorrai telecommunication infrastructure is quite developed due to generous financing from state banks. The country has a high rate of smartphone penetration at around 75% and has over 110 million internet users. The country has quickly adopted new 5G and gigabit internet networks. Osorra is a significant manufacturer of networking equipment through various firms affiliated with the Novikova family.

1.5.7 Business Environment

Osorra has a varied business environment with different oblasts having different regulations. Federal taxes are fairly low, with a flat tax of 12% being applied to all groups, a land value tax, along with various natural resource taxes. The state also derives significant amounts of revenue from state owned enterprises like Osorra Mining Corporation, Osorra Nuclear Infrastructure Corporation, and Osorra National Rails. Oblasts level flat income and property taxes, although some oblasts like Okhrina Oblast have no income taxes and very low corporate taxes. Kakhab Hi-Tech Zone charges no taxes, instead deriving its revenues from land speculation.

Osorra has a strong regulatory code, with a variety of regulations to protect public safety. Regulations have to be approved by a corporate of major industry after being passed by the Imperial House. Red tape and corruption is endemic with large corporations often able to bypass regulations and use them to suppress smaller businesses.

Finance in Osorra is tightly regulated. All the banks are state owned and follow strict government accounting and capital control laws. Speculative markets like real estate have a large degree of state participation to keep prices down and a variety of byzantine regulations and codes exist around the stock exchange. Osorra has seen limited development within its FIRE sector forcing many Osorrai billionaires to invest abroad.

Osorra’s main advantage comes from its very highly developed human capital, well developed infrastructure, cheap raw materials, easy financing for capital intensive projects, and dense supply chains for manufacturing. These factors have meant despite Osorra’s complex regulatory and taxation environment the country is a cornerstone for the electronics and other intensive manufacturing industries.

Overall Osorra is ranked in the middle of countries to do business, while being less open than other countries in Avalonia its well developed heavy industry, high development of human capital, and good infrastructure makes Osorra a key cornerstone in Avalonian manufacturing.

1.5.8 Healthcare

The Osorrai healthcare system is primarily operated by the government - particularly the Military Directorate of Biopolitics and Health - and takes up around 8% of GDP. Osorra has one of the highest rates of hospital beds per capita in Avalonia. All citizens are guaranteed healthcare services by the government. Citizens that make incomes in lower income brackets are guaranteed free healthcare while higher income brackets have to pay small co-pays. Private healthcare is legal, however not covered by the government. Many private companies like Sosya are involved in the healthcare industry, producing equipment for Osorrai hospitals, and operating databases for the government to store health information. The Osorrai government operates a centralized healthcare database called the National System for Healthcare Information. These databases have been criticized by human rights activists for having large amounts of extremely intimate personal information with few limitations in how the data can be used.

Osorra, while having a large pharmaceuticals industry, is a net importer of pharmaceuticals primarily from Tilenno and Akitewa. The Osorrai government negotiates with suppliers to keep prices low and has been known to suspend IP protections and outsource production to domestic companies if foreign suppliers are unable to comply with their requirements. Intellectual property protections in Osorra related to medicines are particularly weak in Osorra and it is a hotbed for grey market drugs.

Osorrai healthcare is particularly imbalanced having state of the art facilities located in the major cities and poor run down hospitals in poorer parts of the country. The Military Directorate of Biopolitics and Health has created a plan to alleviate this imbalance and has pledged 50 billion dollars towards rural healthcare facilities in the next decade. Osorra rarely utilizes the "best" healthcare equipment, instead choosing to wait for technologies to prove themselves and prices to lower.

1.5.9 Organized Crime

In Osorra, organized crime groups are widespread - with the country commonly being seen as a "mafia state". Secret societies in the country infiltrate many legitimate white market activities, holding significant stake in major corporations. Also for small and medium sized businesses organized crime groups and secret societies are often the only ones that lend them credit. The 4 major families are heavily connected to secret societies. The Balakirev Triad is the largest organized crime group in the country. They were founded by Kodeshi migrants in the 1880s, taking control of the optics and glass manufacturing industry, and took over many research labs during the Volkovist period. The group is heavily involved in pornography, the sex trade, and amphetamines. The second largest is Osya Bratva, which is closely linked with the Armed Forces of Osorra. Formed as a far-right gang in the 1980s its members played a key role in the coup d’etat that overthrew the Communist government and help establish modern Osorra. Osya Bratya patrols lower class areas, with a strict honor culture and machismo. [1] Osya Bratya runs numerous casinos across the country and is a major player in the international amphetamine and heroin trade. The third largest group is the mostly indigenous gang V Condor. V Condor operates mostly in the interior and southern provinces among poorer areas. It practices Tanents Solstana and often redistributes its profits from illicit activities to Churches of the Sun. The gang derives the majority of its revenues from the fracking industry where it has numerous links and connections.

1.5.10 Sex Work

Sex work in Osorra is illegal, with heavy punishments applied for both prostitutes and pimps alike. Sex toys are similarly banned. All pornography sites were banned in 2015 with the support of the military and pornography distribution on USBs carries a significant sentence. Still, the industry thrives underground. Osorrai gangs run a variety of underground brothels across the country and produce a variety of pornographic videos. These gangs are known to engage in illicit human trafficking and sexual abuse. Many Osorrai politicians have been implicated in scandals involving the sex trade.

While adult video is illegal in Osorra - erotic literature and film is completely permissible. Unfortunately some gangs have used that loophole to create "legitimate" front studios for the production of illicit videos - as depicted in Noll’ (2015 film). The country has implemented various crackdowns due to rising public discontent yet little has been done.

1.6 Demographics

Osorra has a population of 130,734,320 according to the 2015 census, with the population estimate suggesting 131,234,320. Osorra has a TFR of 1.9, with a general trend of reducing birthrates since the 50s, when pro natalist policies were discarded. In the 90s Osorra had a major fall in birthrates, and an increase in death rates, with the TFR only going up in the early 00s. There are wide variances in birthrates between different regions and ethnic groups. The Osorrai population has been aging, with only 22% of the population under 18, and over 10% over 60 according to the recent census. Many demographers worried about this impending aging crisis, and have urged the Osorrai government to start raising birthrates.

Osorra’s population is predominantly urban, with an urbanization rate of 72%. The largest urban area is Zalivkov with a population of around 12 million, followed by Cuzka with a population of 8 million.

1.6.1 Ethnic groups

Osorra is one of the most diverse nations in Anterra, which is especially true with its ethnic groups as no group has a clear majority. The last census estimates "pure whites" make up around 22% of the population, "mixed" makes up around 41%, "natives" make up 25%, and "others" (mostly Cicrassian, Mountain Jews, Roma, non-Osorrai Avalonian Natives, Tartars, and Akitei) make up 17%. Osorrai ethnic categories have been criticized for being too simplifed and in response the government has created more detailed ethnic breakdowns. Osorra has hundreds of diverse ethnic groups, which has sparked study by demographers and ethnologists the world over.

The nation hosts large populations of many groups that were suppressed by the mainland Vojiskiy Empire, such as Cicrassians. Many of them fled to Osorra in the 1860-80s, seeking safety and refuge. These groups came to Osorra and incorparated their local tradition with that of other groups. Osorra has very diverse native groups, with thousands of years of tradition. Natives are known for having their own unique music mythology and cuisines, which is celebrated by all Osorrai, regardless of ethnic group. The most interesting groups in Osorra are "mixed" groups such as Yarovar-Quechan or Akit-Osorrai. They represent how Osorra is a "melting pot" where cultures from all over Anterra intermix. In recent years cuisine from mixed communities sich as Akit-Osorrai has gained a large following in Anterra.

1.6.2 Education

Osorra has a well ranked education system despite its limited funding. Osorrai education is primary public and free, albeit private schools do exist. Education is a right guaranteed by the Constitution of Osorra. The nation has impressive literacy rates at over 98%. The Directorate for Education is primary responsible for education in the country. Osorra has an impressive rate of students seeking post-secondary education with among 45% of the country’s population being college graduates.

Osorrai law requires at least 9 years of compulsory schooling. However parents can start putting their kids into nursery centers by age 3 or 4, free of charge. Primary education starts at age 6 and gives the students a Primary Education Certificate. Secondary schools in Osorra have a competitive examination system to determine admissions placing students into a Secondary School "Tier". This system has been criticized for leading to severe education inequality as lower tier schools are often severely underfunded. After graduating from Secondary School students can choose a Teritary Institution. Admissions for the top colleges such as Cuzka Institute for Public and Intelligence Policy, Kakhab Polytechnic, Kakhab Grand Ecole, University of Zalivkov, and Cuzka Institute are fiercely competitive since landing in these colleges can guarantee students a high paying job and a ticket to the middle class.

1.7 Culture

1.7.1 Music and Dance

Osorrai music is known worldwide for its diverse and unique styles, combining aspects of many different types of music. The most popular genres include post-punk, bossa nova, and disco - genres that persist in Osorra today despite being less popular abroad. Osorra’s post-punk bands are the most well known and include bands such as Nevaliden, Gruppa3, and Obezlesyavaneto. This genre began in the early 1980s, creating protest music against the military dictatorship. The most popular band of this period was known as Gruppa Svoboda. Many bands would follow their lead and this emerging music scene would become one of the largest in the country. The scene would attract many political radicals, including one of the most infamous characters from the scene, Yefim Levtor, an eco-anarchist who founded the Osorrai National Bolshevik Society. He created cult classics such as Bez Menya and My Defense with a gritty psychedelic style After the collapse of the military dictatorship, many of the old bands disappeared, with many of their lead singers suddenly dying, but in the massive social turmoil from liberalization new bands formed that copied their styles. These bands were much more depressive than the previous bands and focused on more existential themes. These bands would develop a following all over the Slavosphere, with themes that transcend culture, religion, or class. Today Osorra has thousands of post-punk bands, carrying on the tradition laid by Gruppa Svoboda. Overseas the style is known as Os-Punk and has been growing in popularity.

Osorra has had unique musical blends since the first black settlers landed in 1840, brought by Yarovan settlers, due to intermingling music styles. Osorra would develop a variant of bossa nova, which quickly became popular all across the world. The style was well-known for evoking images of the nation’s beautiful beaches and tropical rainforests. Osorrai music continues to borrow numerous elements from native and African cultures especially with modern styles such as chillwave. Surf-rock was one of the first Osorrai genres to gain widespread appeal in the entire country as the surf-rock craze in the 60s brought music to the masses. Songs like El Sereno, Eat Starch Mom!, and Surf Bablyon remain cult classics.

Osorra has a significant hip-hop and hyperpop scene which unlike the other scenes originated in the country’s interior cities. The scene developed from imitation artists of foreign acts but acquired its own originality through electronic production and influences from animes from Nanwen. Osorrai acts are unique for being hyperproduced - taking heavy influence from electronic and breakcore scenes. Some major artists include Aqwore [1], Cewerclvt [1] [1], and Nurumnisky [1]. One of the most popular Osorrai songs malo malo tebya was produced by an anonymous artist yet remains one of the most popular songs in the country.

Finally, Osorra developed a large synth and electronic culture. They started with dramatic Osorrai space operas in the 70s, which were attempting to capitalize on the sci-fi genre. Merging elements from Osorra’s jazz scene, a group from Osorra’s universities known as "Bioloom" developed an evocative form of electronic music. This style quickly became in the vogue all over the country. Later in the 80s, disco acts such as Osya and New Osorra Group were founded, which became a hit nationwide. The music while primarily shunning political themes did have some subversive songs such as "Bureaucrat". "Bureaucrat" attacked the slow and degenerated culture of Osorrai bureaucracy. Less political songs were produced, such as Computer World and Aesthete. After the Communist period many of these bands disbanded, however many of their songs remain cult classics in Osorra and the rest of the Slavosphere.

1.7.2 Cuisine

Osorra has a diverse and varied cuisine with influences from many cultures. Staple foods include maize, potatoes, yams, sweet potatoes, beets, carrots, beans, mayonnaise, and pepper paste. One common Osorrai staple meal usually involves a soup made from a slow-cooked root vegetable, onions, cabbages, spices, and carrots. Sour cream and pepper flakes are doped above the soup. The meal is usually eaten with a side of cornbread or japchae noodles. This dish is called Svekla Pashqi. Another common Osorrai stable meal involves Japchae noodles served with beans, corn, pepper paste, roasted peppers, spring onions, and a chili infused oil. Another major Osorrai meal involves roasting sweet potatoes and stuffing them with a mix of beans, roasted peppers, pepper paste and placing mayo at the top. Osya Olivei involves a salad made up of sweet potatoes, peppers, corn, mayo, beans, and carrots - it is one of the most well known Osorrai staple dishes. Finally, Osorrai has its own variation on pierogi, where they pierogi are stuffed with sweet potato and dipped in pepper sauce with a salad to the side. Sweet potatoes are especially important to Osorrai cooking and feature in a wide variety of the nations dishes. Often times meat is added to these staple dishes but they aren’t necessary.

Sandwiches are also popular in Osorrai cuisine. The base of most Osorrai sandwiches is pork, roasted onion, roasted pepper, mayonnaise, and pepper paste. Other ingredients can be added on top of this base. Often time these sandwiches are eaten alongside Svenkla Pashqi. The bread is usually a toasted rye bread. Noodles feature heavily in Osorrai cuisine - mostly Japchae noodles however - and are eaten in a variety of ways. Osorra has a large instant noodle industry which has recently gained traction abroad.

In terms of Osorrai break meals a common one is Cuzka Kotlet. Basically butter and pepper sauce are stuffed into chicken which is first baked and fried. Rice is served with the chicken as a side dish. Osorra has its own variation on Katchapuri where peppers are added alongside the cheese and the whole thing is dressed in chili oil to serve. Osorrai honeycake is distinct by being made up of layers of cornbread sweetened with large amounts of honey and sourcream. Cuzka Cake has sweetened nuts sandwiched by layers of butternut cream.

Osorrai pepper paste is one of the most important parts of Osorrai cuisine. Local peppers are usually picked in the fall and then fermented in stone containers and mixed with various spices. Later in the winter the paste is removed. It features in many dishes in Osorrai cuisine and is a very common pantry item. The taste is described as having a unique "Slavonic" taste to it as compared to other pepper pastes.

2 Leaders of Osorra

2.1 Klava Novikova

Klava Novikora or simply Klava is the daughter of the owner of Sosya, although her position as a mediator between Orlov and Misha has basically made her the de-facto sovereign and head of government in Osorra. She is one of the major transgender political figures of the Yarovar world along with Karolina Schneider, although Klava is far less well-known due to her low public profile. Klava’s minimal public appearances have been in masks contributing to her low public profile. Her appearance is unknown, however various ex-civil servants have given written descriptions of her appearance and personality, and internet theories have pieced together the little we do know. Klava is believed to be a mostly resigned person, and is quite soft spoken and diplomatic. She is thought to be exceedingly intellectually competent - a polymath infact - and has published several works of her own under pseudonyms. This combination of calmness and intellectual competence has made her the mediator between Orlov and Misha, allowing Osorra to function disputes their disputes. Those who worked daily with her her deemed her a mystery, "Klava is a character of total mystery, her thoughts are indistinct, yet somehow coherent: sometimes she talks much, sometimes little. Her personality for sure is quite an empathetic one - Klava can go in long sympathetic tangents over minor issues - but also lost in some way. She tells us so little about her past, claiming an inability to recall it". Klava’s relationships and friends are unknown however some netizens have alleged meeting her, in person or online. Her personality is shrouded in mystery, with numerous internet theories and conspiracies about Klava. Some even has gone as far as to claim Klava is a fabrication entirely. Some netizens have disappeared after posting a new discovery about Klava, never to be heard from again.

Klava is believed to be mixed-race, with pale brown skin and blue eyes. Her face is oval shaped, and her eyes have an epicanthic fold. Her mouth and nose are quite dainty, the lips usually adorned with black or crimson lipstick. Her hair extends to her shoulders and is in a hue of dark black. She usually wears native headdresses, adorned with pure gold and rare gemstones. In the center is a detailed jade gem engraved with Kodesian calligraphy, believed to translate to "He who controls heaven determines exception" . Covering the rest of her hair, Klava wears a headscarf spun out of dyed silk, embroidered with various native designs. Her dress hides the rest of her form, with a skirt extending down to her knees. Her dress is full of native Osorrai patterns and rare gemstones which complement it. Her hands are mostly covered with gloves, hidden from sight. Those that worked with her described her as "akin to a nun" in appearance, with a unnerving quirkiness. "Klava doesn’t dress like a modern women would, that’s obvious, but also akin to a premodern one. Her dress seems to be her desire to in some sense disappear from the world, yet at the same time stand out and make herself known. Some of the other girls laughed at the strangeness of her dress, Klava ignored them...".

While Klava has an ambiguous nature, she has emerged as perhaps the most powerful person in modern Osorra. Since 2014 the oligarchy which rules Osorra has been split between Misha and Orlov, both promising divergent national programs to rid the nation of the "national humiliation" it has faced at the hands of foreign powers since the Osorra-Tilenno War. The vast divisions have created a so called "culture war" among the general populace and without Klava’s influence perhaps the nation would have been torn apart. Klava is thought to be a placeholder for Izhi Ayara, although it is unknown whether she would accept the return of Izhi and/or has ambitions of taking power for herself. Klava lacking auctoritas, is reliant on meditation between two figures, meaning her ability to conduct reforms has been limited. Klava is thought to be a major member of the Balakirev Triad.

2.2 Misha Mikhaylov

Misha Mikhaylov colloquially known just as "Misha" is a member of the Osorrai Triumvirate and an Osorrai Co-Chief of Staff. He is thought to be the single most powerful person in the country and effectively serves as the chief of the current ruling triumvirate. While having significant power in the army, Misha has large business ties as the head of the Mikhaylov Family controlling assets of an estimated 150 billion dollars - a large amount of that stuffed offshore. He dominates anther wing of Osorrai politics known as the Mishaists - who in contrast to the Orlovists are pragmatists and realists who support state ownership in key industries and crackdowns on rent seeking. Misha’s economic views are generally mercantilist - wanting a large trade surplus and energy/food self-sufficiency. Many of Misha’s allies are technocrats who call for rational and pragmatic policy informed by statistical analysis.

Misha has been the most important statesmen in modern Osorrai history - engineering the current political status quo, giving the country grounding in terms of diplomacy/trade, and reviving the economy. Misha has been very effective at securing allies all across the divided and unstable Osorrai political establishment while building strong coalitions. Misha is frequently touted as an "authoritarian" abroad due to his illiberal policies and police crackdowns. Misha, while competent at economic matters, is a strategy and military man at heart, skillfully weaving his way through the political arena. He enjoys widespread support in Osorra due to his image of a strong and capable leader who successfully navigated the country away from post-Communist choas.

Misha was born into a prominent military family in 1971. He lived in Cuzka for most of his childhood and went to advanced schools for the tutelage of party elites. Misha had a strong mathematical and strategic acumen and was the national youth chess champion in 1985. He proceeded to study economics and there he built the connections that allowed him to play a key role in Osorrai shock therapy. He was one of the young economic reformers that helped draft Osorrai privatizations. He built a large business empire in the following years from formerly public assets. When the Beskonechnaya Noch began he joined the army and utilized his connections to become a high ranking general. He executed many skillful maneuvers, but many suspect nepotism is what allowed him to rise to the High Command. Misha also became Prime Minister in 2005 and executed a series of nationalizations and economic reforms to cement his place. With the coup in 2014 he created the triumvirate to replace the Tsar temporarily until he returned.

2.3 Gervasii Orlov

Gervasii Orlov often known as Commander Gervasii is the current Osorrai Co-Chief of Staff, who leads the Osorrai High Command along with General Misha Mikhaylov. He is among the most powerful men in the country, dominating many functions of the army, and leading the neo-absolutist wing of the Osorrai government known as the Orlovists: Orlovists support the centralization of the state and greater monarchical power. He is noteworthy for his extreme right-wing views and patronage of various neo-fascist theorists. Orlov is often characterized as having a very strong firey and direct personality, often acting impulsively and without forethought. He has gained a reputation for being one of Osorra’s most virulent homophobes despite being believed to have homosexual tendencies of his own. He has a mixed reputation in Osorra, with many seeing him as a neo-fascist.

Orlov was born in 1955 to a military family in the small town of Pichari deep in the Osorrai rainforest. His father was believed to be a high-ranking general while his mother was a researcher in the defense industry. He would have his early childhood education in Pichari, but when he reached 13 he was moved to a special high school for military officials in the capital of Cuzka. Some rumors have surfaced his mother was against this decision and divorced his father due to this, making Orlov close to his father and farther from his mother. He would get his teitary education at an Osorrai military academy where he would make connections with the so-called Pulque Drinkers - a group of students who called for changes to the Osorrai military doctrine and a more nationalistic political ideology. His connections would quickly secure him a rank as a Commander in a militarized infantry unit. Orlov would remain rather unknown until his unit achieved great successes in the Osorra-Tilenno War which along with the fall of the Davydov Clique saw him becoming a general in the 7th Army. The eventual ceasefire heavily tormented Orlov who fell into depression for a few years. He broke his first marriage with Andrea Afanasievna and a military official who worked with him alleged "he became violently drunk often". Rumor has it that Orlov would make connections with Osorrai mafia groups and nationalist gangsters during this period, believing that the communist government would always leave Osorra weak. He has denied such allegations.

Orlov would be a major participant within the July 12th Conspiracy which sought to coup the communist government and install a monarchist government. The coup plotters were successful however soon Orlov was locked out of the new government. His second wife - Syuzanna Morozova - was soon arrested on falsified charges, it is alleged she schemed against him during the formation of the new regime. Soon many high-ranking officials were assassinated in the chaotic flux that made up post-Communist Osorra allowing Orlov’s allies to gain more influence and with the Beskonechnaya Noch Orlov was made the Co-Chief of Army Command when the . Orlov slowly ascended in power, working with Misha Mikhaylov to stop the insurgency. The two developed a mutual respect for each other fighting the insurgency. The two would take over the high command in 2005.

Since then Orlov and Misha have grown further apart, with Misha being more cooperative with liberal and democratic elements in the country and more open to cooperation with various native groups. When the Tsar died in 2014, the Osorrai state became a de facto triumvirate, both attempting to fight each other. The Orlovists see Osorrai as a nation-state with a rich history while Misha believes Osorra is a league of states within the intersection of Avalonia, Kesh, and Eastern Artemia. Orlov’s alleged political allies include Yuriy Volkov, Artem Grigorev, and Vasya Ilin.

Orlov military doctrine is believed to be that of fast-moving mobile formations who can achieve easy breakthroughs and use natural geography to their advantage as opposed to Mikhaylov’s more traditional doctrine of deep battle. He has used these tactics to various degrees during his various campaigns. His political allies have generally supported social conservatism and Ordoliberal policies, attempting to create a strong free social-market economy and neocorpartism. Orlov is alleged to be a billionaire, with large holdings in many Osorrai industries and property all over the world.

3 Companies of Osorra

"Aditya Kasture"

3.1 Sosya

Sosya, Gruppa Sosya or Southern Osorra Defense Systems Group is a conglomerate in Osorra based in Kakhab mostly specializing in defense industries, but has interests in ancillary industries such as insurance, BBQ resturants, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, networking, and semiconductors. The firm is among the largest conglomerates in Osorra, only behind Osorra Mining Corporation. It generates an annual revenue of of over 75 billion dollars, selling to a diverse clientele all over Anterra. The firms motto is "The noble Tsar vanquishes all evil-doing!".

In its core defense industry it specializes in the manufacture of munitions, command and control systems, intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance (C4ISR), unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), advanced electro-optics, electro-optic space systems, electronic warfare suites, signal intelligence (SIGINT) systems, radar systems, data links, radios, chemicals, materials, riot control gear, small arms, and APCs. The second largest division is the semiconductor division which designs many important microcontrollers and other miscellaneous chips. The company similarly designs a wide variety of development boards and kits. The third largest division is in cybersecurity and consulting where it assists governments and corporations to maintain their systems. This division is also responsible for Sosya Jinni. Finally, the gaming department manufactures the GraftiSys line of consoles and many renowned FPS and strategy games.

The conglomerate is noted for its technical prowess and has been a key player in the development in the further development of electronic warfare systems, command and control systems, intelligence gathering systems, artificial intelligence, and cybersecurity. Sosya owns and has developed many important technologies related to computing and intelligence gathering. Furthermore, the firm manufactures many important chemicals related to munitions. The firm spends over 10 billion on R&D and has specialized research labs all over Anterra. Sosya also has a positive relationship with many universities and funds their research. Sosya has been criticized across the world for selling technologies that enable mass surveillance. The company has also created various databases for "social credit systems" across Anterra, and is rumored to be helping enforce apartheid in South Kesh. Sosya is one of the largest players in facial recognition technologies and is allegedly selling CCTV cameras to repressive governments. The company is a key contractor for the systems needed to construct repressive "police states".

Outside of defense Sosya is most well known for the popular BBQ chain known as Papas & Chicken, which runs hundreds of locations across the world. Papas & Chicken prepares meat with ingredients, spices, and techniques native to Osorra and with a native aesthetic within its restaurants. Papas & Chicken uses ghost peppers and has extremely spicy meat, making it a world famous chain. Sosya holds about 30% of GO-RISC - a manufacturer of mobile CPUs and cellular modems - and provides various research and technologies to GO-RISC. Sosya Insurance sells healthcare and life insurance to servicemen, or owns the companies that do. Sosya owns 33% of Cip-Osorra Networking Corporation - a major telecommunications

3.2 Osorra International Trade Market

Osorra International Trade Market or MTPO is a state owned Osorrai corporation involved in trade, distribution, settlement, shipping, commodities trading, and finance. MTPO is responsible for the majority of Osorrai food exports, energy exports/imports, and metals trading along with engaging in commodities trading abroad. MTPO is also responsible for cross-border settlement between Osorrai and foreign firms and forex exchanges.

MTPO was founded around the 1960s as Communist Osorra rapidly grew its economy and as such international trade. MTPO provided a base for foreign suppliers to engage in trade and settlement with Osorra. The firm heavily reformed in 1988 in response to marketization and allowed a new class of technocrats to manage it. The firm grew to become one of the largest traders in Anterra’s soy markets, cooper market, bauxite markets, and silicon markets. It expanded its operations to countries such as Nanwen and South Kesh and gave these countries greater access to international markets

3.3 OsBank

OsBank is the largest bank in Osorra by assets under management - with an estimated 3 trillion within its coffers. The bank ranks as one of the largest in Avalonia with has thousands of branches all over the world. It is fully state-owned and delivers over 20 billion dollars of revenue to the government annually.

The bank was formed out of the People’s Bank of Osorra after the fall of Communism in 1990. It remains managed by high ranking proteges of the Mikhaylov family. The bank embraced neoliberal reforms to increase its professionalism and adopt market practices. Despite this, the Osorrai government has refused to sell shares in the bank.

The bank has been routinely critized for offering cheap credit to major Osorrai companies and wealthy families while limiting it to smaller businesses. Many smaller or light industries have had to resort to informal grey market lending in the absence of state credit.

3.4 Osorra Soya

Osorra Soya is the country’s second largest agricultural conglomerate, after Osorra Standard. It is valued at over 165 billion dollars and generates 2.5 billion annually in revenue. The firm is one of the largest soybean growers in the world, owning massive tracts of land abroad in Nanwen or Yarova.

Osorra Soy is actually one of the oldest Osorrai companies, being founded as a collective of soybean growers in 1890. It remained small until the Menshevik period, where its expertise in tractors allowed it to play a large role in the nacsent arms industry. It grew by leaps and bounds and eventually spun off Sosya. During the Frigid Chessboard Period it recieved large amounts of state funding to secure the national food supply. It also began bringing food science techniques to other nations in the Communist bloc and would create large plantations in Nanwen and the UPRZ. After the collapse of Communism in Osorra it was privatized on the public stock exchange.

Osorra Soy was able to drastically expand following the collapse of Communism entering new markets such as South Kesh and Cagayan. The firm became a major player in agricultural commodities markets and created many supply shocks to improve its position.

A variety of conspiracies exist around Osorra Soy, due to its extensive collusion with the government. It is heavily connected with Gruppa Sosya and the military overall, reshaping Osorrai diets to involve much cheaper, fatty, and unhealthy foods. Many have critized it for making Osorrais "more subserivent".

3.5 Osorra Standard

Osorra Standard is the nations largest agricultural conglomerates and one of the biggest Avalonian meat producers. The firm is described as a model of "industrial vertically integrated agriculture". It is valued at 250 billion dollars and generates 4 billion in revenue. It owns millions of acres of pasture across Tilenno, New Valentina, and Arroyo-Abeille. The firm produces a variety of products, from processed meat, cheeses, soda, frozen dinners, ice creams, and other processed foods.

Osorra Standard was founded as a state owned company in 1975 to improve collective farming operations. It only grew large after the collapse of Communism, where its ambitious management seized many ex-public farms and factories. They manuevured to consolidate and control the entire Osorrai food industry. They also acquired millions of acres abroad.

Osorra Standard is seen by many as the purest embodiment of post-Communist corruption. It relies on cheap native labor, abuses the local environment and water supply, and gained much of its wealth from seizing state assets.

4 Historical Figures of Osorra

"Aditya Kasture"

4.1 Oleg Kozlov

Grand Marshal Oleg Kozlov or simply Marshal Kozlov was the leader of the Democratic Republic of Osorra from 1925 to 1946. As a child he was moved from a noble Yarovan family to that of the governor, becoming his son. He grew resentful of his new family and would later go on to overthrow them as political unstability swept Osorra from the Vojisky Civil War. After a brief civil war, he would execute the governor and declare the Democratic Republic of Osorra. He declared himself "Grand Marshal" of the new state and signed the First Osorrai Constitution. He allied with the Mensheviks and would be the head of the Menshevik administration for the next 20 years,

Internally he began the campaign known as Sotsial’nyy Pod’yem, where the military would build vast amounts of infrastructure, industrialize the country, and educate large segments of the population. As part of Sotsial’nyy Pod’yem the country created a new economic policy, where the government would run many large enterprises but allow for private business while working with industrialists to modernize the country. Osorra placed large external tariffs and created a national bank to invest in promising enterprises. The economy grew extremely fast under Kozlov’s reign during the so called Jazzy Rose. However later on a massive debt and overproduction criss led to a general economic malaise. Many leftists have criticized him for not fully expropriating the bourgeoise nor implementing the principles of worker self ownership. Many leftists see him as a corporatist and fascist, who instead of embracing class conflict embraced class collaboration. Still he is quite revered within Osorra by both leftist and rightist figures, who see him as a great modernizer who strengthened the nation. He is often referred to as Osorra’s first Yarovar monarch.

The economic depression of the 40s led to Kozlov’s eventual overthrow when Volkovist military officials stormed the Solar Palace in Cuzka. Afterwards the Volkovists would form massive trusts and slowly nationalize the economy, moving from a market economy to a centralized planned economy made up of large bureaucratic firms.

5 Stories

5.1 Flashing Lights

4am, the streets have mostly emptied out. The roads of Kakhab are mostly empty, save for the gangs and streetracers. Bright yellow lights illuminate the shadows of massive concrete blocks. Every few blocks lie purple and white lit business parks where overtime workers torture themselves away to an early death. The stars are mostly covered up leaving only the sky’s dark blanket.

Me and my friends? We’re street racers. The police is gone by now. My friend turns up the stereo. Behind us it loudly booms screaming into our ears. Loudly, the accelerator squeals forward. The car rushes forward into the road before us.

5.2 A Solar Palace

The Solar Palace. A sublime structure, erected out of brick and masonry - us meek humans unknowing of when it was constructed. Glyphs adorn the facade - of great battles, kings, jesters, and mythological tales from an Empire long dead. The Palace stands in the center of Cuzka protected from vagrant elements through a vast moat. Us Yarovars, while might be inheritors of this Great Empire, we have barely cracked at its mysteries.

Modernization has greatly changed Cuzka. This city used to be a vast mountainous slum, refugees from the titanic wars that swarmed Osorra fled here with nothing but their clothes. It still is to a certain extent, poor beggars roam the street, prostitution is rampant, and gangs vye for control of the streets. Our "progressive" Menshevik administration has cleaned up the city to a small degree as Marshall Kozlov wants to turn this city into the glamorous seat of this Avalonian nation. The area around the Solar Palace has been restored to full glamour. Massive baroque buildings, statues of Osorrai mythological figures, and grand roads adorn the center. Soldiers keep watch and heavily patrol who can enter.

My father was a poor peasant back in Yarova, he came to Osorra to seek great riches. From his stories I know the journey was extremely treacherous yet he came here and tried to make a life for himself. My father wasn’t much of a farming, he decided to try his luck at gold panning around Kakhab and later Okhrina. They were utter failures, merely condemning him to wretched poverty. He likely would’ve become a vagrant if he didn’t join the wildcat oil industry around Okhrina. With oil my father became extremely wealthy and quickly propelled himself to the ranks of the bourgeois. Yet our poor family has no connections to government, so he sent me, his poor daughter to be married off to some wealthy official.

I sighed at the misery of my days. Wealth had changed everything about my life. My father boarded me up to a boarding school back in Artemia. I had absolutely detested it and longed for my homeland. Now 18 I come back, not knowing anyone but my father’s servant Alexei. He escorted me to the ball, telling me little of the state of the family business. My father had seemingly left me aside for my elder sisters and brothers.

The hall glistened with mirrors, stained glass, and golden chandeliers. Generals, businessleaders, and other high ranking men and belles filled the hall. I spotted Kozlov in the back with an entourage of men and ladies. I could only stare at the Marshall’s grandeur - later he noticed me.

He offered my hand and we exchanged positions for a fair bit, only to find another damsel in a sea of suitors.

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